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Spain bare-breasted chiobu welcome migrants as they arrive on beach



The almost 500,000 illegal migrants who are waiting in Libya for their onward journey to Europe are already arriving in droves on the holiday beaches of the Mediterranean. Videos from Italy and now Spain show dinghies reaching the beach and migrants running to the mainland, cheering.

A particularly bizarre scene that is probably unique to the western decline took place in the Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park in southern Spain. Another boatload of illegal immigrants of working age (all men) landed on the beach there over the weekend.

But instead of the police or the military greeting the migrants, they are actually received by topless women and thong bikinis. They even help you out of the boat.

In these scenes, Orientals and Africans must actually think they have landed in the promised land, where milk and honey are flowing and the infidel women are willingly waiting for them. But see for yourself.

syed putra

Africa is at war. Their leaders are being ousted by the army and they have this massive islamic insurgency problem.
Europe with its declining population needs more African and Arab refugees


No matter what ... the world refugee will run towards Western Countries
Shows the world who is the real leaders of the world


They should mount a few GPMGs on the beach n gunned down whoever is trying to enter the country illegally...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Looks like they want that cultural enrichment. :sneaky:

If you want a good reason for European countries to leave the EU, this would be it. :wink:

Italy has a similar problem, but Meloni is in charge now. :cool:
