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Social Stories“Better to cry in a Lamborghini” – M’sian Woman Shares How Much Men Should Make For a Comfortable Lifestyle



Social Stories

“Better to cry in a Lamborghini” – M’sian Woman Shares How Much Men Should Make For a Comfortable Lifestyle​


6 days ago

October 15, 2024
Azri Azizan
Collage 67

Source: TikTok | opaimovement

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A Malaysian woman named Tisya was honest about who, and what kind of man she had in mind. In a viral TikTok video by @opaimovement, the man asked if Tisya would prefer a regular man who is always with her at home or a rich man who could provide her with anything but is rarely at home.

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Source: TikTok

It didn’t take long for Tisya to reveal what her heart wanted.
“I’m actually very open-minded. I don’t care what you want to do out there, as long as you give me money. It’s better to cry in a Lamborghini than in other cars.”
Tisya also said she is not picky when it comes to dating men. However, if she was going to choose a life partner, she would be extra cautious because it involves financial commitment.

“We have to think about our future. We have to choose a man whose earnings can survive with today’s commitments.”

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Source: TikTok

So, does Tisya have a figure in mind?
Tisya was initially hesitant to share her ideal salary figure but later revealed that even with a monthly salary of RM10,000, it is barely enough for a family with kids to survive.
“If we have a kid, we have to send the kid to school, imagine the expenses. We want to travel too. I don’t mind not using luxury bags but to live comfortably, we need more than RM10,000.”
Ladies, what do you think of Tisya’s take on finding the right man?

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
“I’ve been a rich man, and I’ve been poor man. And I choose rich every fucking time. Cause, At least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of a limo wearing a $2000 suit …and $40,000 gold fuckin’ watch!”

Wolf of Wall Street


Tisya was initially hesitant to share her ideal salary figure but later revealed that even with a monthly salary of RM10,000, it is barely enough for a family with kids to survive.
The solution to raising cost is to earn more money? Will that solve the problem? And if the cost is raised again? what will you do? earn even more money? You are not in control of the inflation and you are just slaving away in the money supply system that is controlled by the cabal.

What will you do to solve it?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Just stay away from women, or worse, marriage. And I guarantee you will have a much more comfortable life, regardless of SES level.

That comfort is both financial and non-financial.

Let these delulu women keep barking. :cool:
