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So proud of myself




win money good mood then self praise

lose money or see others win money from bto, throw tantrums, bad mood and harass people.

crass human being at work :laugh:


win money good mood then self praise

lose money or see others win money from bto, throw tantrums, bad mood and harass people.

crass human being at work :laugh:
Tsk tsk tsk as usual you Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED SLUT are accusing me what you are yourself from crass insults of hokkien woman as chicken to yourself lose money that’s why come here to bully me whereas I am applying psychology learning “to be proud of youself”.

Don’t forget to thank me for teaching you on psychology from what’s psychological projections of yourself and your cheap women on me to what’s psychological benefits of being proud of myself. Pui!



Tsk tsk tsk as usual you Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED SLUT are accusing me what you are yourself from crass insults of hokkien woman as chicken to yourself lose money that’s why come here to bully me whereas I am applying psychology learning “to be proud of youself”.

Don’t forget to thank me for teaching you on psychology from what’s psychological projections of yourself and your cheap women on me to what’s psychological benefits of being proud of myself. Pui!

View attachment 207939

Yet, we almost feel a little embarrassed to be proud of our own achievements. We’re shy to toot our own horn, and we’re not that keen on getting extra attention for our successes. We worry it’s a little egotistical and possibly even narcissistic to talk about our achievements, even though we have every right to. More importantly, we have the right to be proud of them.

You have every right to be proud of your achievements, your successes, your steps forwards, and your learnings.
To be proud of having chosen to read this page and said, “Yes, I matter, and I am worthy of love.”

The thing is, it’s up to you what you feel proud of. There are no rules about what qualifies as a success or achievement, and maybe it’s not even those things that make you feel the most pride. Sometimes, especially if you’ve been feeling a bit blah, the thing you’re proud of could simply be getting out of bed and carrying on with your life. Sometimes, it’s the littlest things that can make us feel proud. Cooking a new yummy dish. Finishing a book you’ve been reading for a while. Learning a few phrases in a new language.


Tsk tsk tsk as usual you Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED SLUT are accusing me what you are yourself from crass insults of hokkien woman as chicken to yourself lose money that’s why come here to bully me whereas I am applying psychology learning “to be proud of youself”.
I am so proud of myself when I lose money I also never come here to bully people by using evil filthy lies. So high class not like some crass dogs that lose money come here to bully me hokkien virgin as slut whore mistress hahahaha