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SMRT cleans ‘spotty’ train flooring after Lim Tean’s public complaint


Some cabin when rain leaking ,even no rain also leaking thru aircon n also it over crowded , not that kind of too many passengers, so.etimes really scared of accused of molestation


Maybe 70% sinkies fon travel, compare to Taiwan n Japan n even Thailand, the mrt system higher standard then sg, sg going to 3rd world , one issues is where did the money goes to, we hv millions of passengers ,even small kids ,primary school, sec schools ,jc ,polytechnic, riding mrt n including adults ,these are all very lucrative incomes, where did the money goes to?


I brought my family with kids riding mrt from East to west ,n worse is no ventilation, aircon malfunction ,lol,papigs still say we 1st world fuck them , even woody say 1st class living I think k referring to themselves,leeches, lol