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Smoking gun

A Singaporean

How dare you to post fake news about Angmorika. Do you want to be fucked by monolingual Singlish speaking angmoh wannabe Sinkies?


Let's put it this way, literally every single shit happening in this world leads to the Jews. Don't be mistaken that the US is with them. In contrary, the Jews hated America as much. Americans are slaved to the system they created for them. They control their politicians and owns the Fed Reserves. Young American soldiers died fighting in their proxy wars.


Let's put it this way, literally every single shit happening in this world leads to the Jews. Don't be mistaken that the US is with them. In contrary, the Jews hated America as much. Americans are slaved to the system they created for them. They control their politicians and owns the Fed Reserves. Young American soldiers died fighting in their proxy wars.