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Slutty Chicken Stir-Fry Recipe


Slutty Chicken Stir-Fry recipe main photo

Slutty Chicken Stir-Fry​

Whitetrash Gastronome
Whitetrash Gastronome @stoned_yeti
Illinois, USA

This is called slutty stir-fry because it's so EASY! Hey-ooooh! This recipe is a good way to use up some ingredients left over after making something else. For example, I made this with mostly leftover gumbo stuff, Spices that sit around in the cabinet and condiments that sit around in the fridge. As always, you can use many variations of ingredients for this and make it your own. When using spices, avoid using any kind of salts. Soy sauce is super salty by itself. Extra salt added is unnecessary and will be a bit too much.


30 mins
2 servings
  1. 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  2. 1/2 green pepper, diced large
  3. 3/4 cup onion, diced large
  4. 3 cloves garlic, minced
  5. 3/4 cup olive oil
  6. 4 Tbsp Soy sauce
  7. 3 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  8. 3 shakes Balsamic vinegar
  9. Ground ginger
  10. Ground mustard
  11. Garlic powder
  12. Red pepper flakes
  13. Black pepper
  14. White rice

Cooking Instructions​

  1. 1
    Slice raw chicken, against the grain, in about 1/4 inch strips. Then cut the strips into about 2 inch pieces. In a preheated skillet with about 1/2 cup olive oil, add the chicken pieces, a few sprinkles of black pepper and some garlic powder. Cook until just about white.

  2. 2
    Now add the green pepper, onion and garlic. Stir constantly till the onion pieces just begin to start turning translucent around the edges. Now add approximately 4 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, about 3 shakes of balsamic vinegar and a little more olive oil. (The liquid should appear like it's slightly too much and thin. It will reduce and thicken as you cook it. If you don't have enough the dish will be gummy and dry.) Add the rest of the spices using the ground ginger as the main spice. I use red pepper flakes for some kick. Also, ideally, sesame oil would be used instead of olive oil. But that shiz is expensive and pretty much only good for Asian food haha

  3. 3
    "Stir-fry" the whole mixture together for about 5 minutes or so more. Serve over a bowl of cooked white rice and enjoy! The only thing missing is the white cardboard containers and a fortune cookie.