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Slavery system must strongly return globally! Cheap Cheap! Historic Pics from 150 yrs history of WHITE slaves!




Posted on June 27, 2018 by tim

Just 150 years ago Russia formally abolished slavery. Slaves in Russia were called “krepostnye” or “fixed” – the ones that couldn’t do with their lives anything without their master will. They can’t move away, couldn’t marry, couldn’t change their master. Were often beaten and were more or less a property. They could be bought and sold for cash or gold. Just like African slaves in USA, except they were local Russian white skinned people.
So how much money did you need 150 years ago to buy a Russian man, woman or a kid?

The prices were different. For example in more earlier times like 1782 they say that one year old Russian girl would cost you just 1/2 ruble to buy as a property.
It was more than a price of a pig, but cheaper than a horse.



Posted on June 27, 2018 by tim


More expensive were skilled men – such as cooks, barbers etc.
Also soldiers were expensive humans.

Sometime later prices started to rise a lot.
Here is an archive document listing a property forefeited by a bank from a lender who couldn’t pay his debt. They listed all his property, including the slaves, namely:
“Leonti, male, 40 years old, price 30 rub
his wife Marina, 25 y.o., 10 rubles,
Efim, 23 y.o., price 40 rub,
His wife Marina, 30 y.o., 8 rubles,
their kids:
boy, Gurjan, 4 y.o. 5 rub,
daughters (virgins), Vasilisa, 9 y.o., 3 rub,
Matrena, 1 y.o., 1/2 rub,…”
…and so on. Just imagine.

Fifty years later you had to pay already around 80 rub per person slave. You could use people you own as a collaterial for loans in banks. However banks gave no more than 40 rub of loan per each person.



Posted on June 27, 2018 by tim


And just ten years more people price was as high as 400 rub per each man or woman. They could separate families at some time of the history as well.
In country side prices were smaller, in capital cities St.Petersburg and Moscow it was more pricier to buy a human for slave.
Some big city skilled slave cook could cost your 2000-3000 rub. Compare to 0.5 rub for a peasant one year old girl.
Also, there were a high demand for enterpreneur-skilled slaves. Yes, that is right, they were finding people who had a talent for trading stuff for profit and then bought those and taxed heavily (took away all the profit he makes). This could bring you a lot of cash for nothing!
Some of those wanted to buy away their freedom and were saving up their money for this, however their masters often didn’t let them go even for 5,000 – just because they didn’t want to loose a hen bringing you golden eggs.

There are stories that some commerce skilled peasants could buy freedom for themselves and their families for breath taking sums of 25,000 rub (probably worth of $2,500,000 ajusted for inflation today). Same time normal peasant would refuse to buy back his own freedom just for 25 rub. Makes you think, about the real price of your freedom and who really needs it?


Posted on June 27, 2018 by tim


The white slaves were sold on markets or at home at masters mansions. There were existed special third-parties, realtors of sort who were speeding up the process.
With arrival of Alexander I he abolished some of the most inhuman practices, like publishing newspaper ads about selling people. However he didn’t abolish ads about renting out your slave and it was used as a loophole for the human trade.
Only in 1833 it was forbidden to separate families during the sale, now you had to sell the family members all together.
In 1847 peasants got a right to buy back their freedom if their owner goes bankrupt.
And then finally in 1861 all people were declared free.
And it makes you wonder why the revolution of 1917 happened? People, opressed, beaten, raped and separated for hundred of years really hated rich, white capitalists and as soon as they got a chance they had no mercy for them. Just 40 years passed since they were liberated.


World is spoiled and ruined by Freedom causing Global Total Extinction Suicide. All will die! Better massively restore slavery!