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Sir Keir Starmer's wife quite chio






Meet Victoria Starmer, the new prime minister's wife​

Lady Victoria Starmer is on the cusp of being one of the newest occupants of Downing Street. She keeps a relatively low profile - Sky News takes a closer look at what we know about her.​

By Josephine Franks, News reporter @jos_franks
Friday 5 July 2024 12:21, UK
Image:Sir Keir Starmer and his wife, Victoria, at the count of the Labour leader's Holborn and St Pancras constituency

Lady Victoria Starmer will be preparing to move into Downing Street.

Her husband Sir Keir Starmer won a historic landslide and will soon be forming a new government.

Lady Starmer has never done an interview - and according to Sir Keir, that's not about to change.

However she has been quietly by his side; there when he held his Holborn and St Pancras seat in a historic election, gave his victory speech, and next to him to meet the King.

Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's Labour Party kisses his wife Victoria Starmer as they attend a reception to celebrate Starmer's win in the election, at Tate Modern, in London, Britain, July 5, 2024. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Image:Starmer kisses his wife as they attend a reception to celebrate Starmer's win
In contrast to Rishi Sunak's wife, Akshata Murty, who introduced him with a speech at the Tory conference and gave a sit-down on-camera interview to Grazia where she talked about chores and her favourite family activities, we don't often see or hear from Lady Victoria.

Here we take a closer look at what we know about the UK's new "First Lady".

From a career in law to the NHS

Like her husband, Lady Victoria trained as a solicitor and the couple met through work.

She now works in occupational health for the NHS - a role she loves, Sir Keir said in an interview with the Sunday Mirror.