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Sinwar's bodyguard was an “UNRWA Teacher”


Alfrescian (Inf)

Wtf, we have been misled by @superpower 's UNRWA postings. :cautious::coffee::confused:

superpower is a pro-China doggie, currently China is pro-Palestine, so the doggies have to sing the same tune.

Sinkies must be happy that at least some of their 'humanitarian assistance' went to Hamas via the UNRWA.




Wtf, we have been misled by @superpower 's UNRWA postings. :cautious::coffee::confused:
You mean a teacher cannot moonlight? When UNRWA refugee schools are being bombed and destroyed daily one wonders this teacher's salary is even being paid regularly. How's he going to support his family?

Even our teachers moonlight (mainly giving private tuition, which is technically illegal).