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Sinkies jin satki. 26k ppl seek to defer 20 billions of mortgages.


MAS is setting a precedent in forming a bailout/liferaft to entities and individuals who should naturally go bust and then allow better ones to grow and replace them. Otherwise we will have an inbred/inbreeding ecosystem where the weak thrives. This is not good for the long term survival of the country as it weakens it structurally and these and others will see no need to strengthen, innovate and progress.

Those currently who are disciplined and restrained playing the slow and patient strategy with prudent and sensible fiscal policies is wrongly penalised.

Are we communists?


value won't drop that much
got to thank pap for signing rcep to reflood singapore with housing demand
its going to be super congested singapore in 10y time


Those currently who are disciplined and restrained playing the slow and patient strategy with prudent and sensible fiscal policies is wrongly penalised.

Are we communists?

Those followed by is? Which Chinese helicopter jiuhu school did you attend, if you attended school at all.


MAS is setting a precedent in forming a bailout/liferaft to entities and individuals who should naturally go bust and then allow better ones to grow and replace them. Otherwise we will have an inbred/inbreeding ecosystem where the weak thrives. This is not good for the long term survival of the country as it weakens it structurally and these and others will see no need to strengthen, innovate and progress.

Those currently who are disciplined and restrained playing the slow and patient strategy with prudent and sensible fiscal policies is wrongly penalised.

Are we communists?
Moral hazard bro. May be is their own kakis in hot soup. Want save them property valuations else more kenna. See how duplicitous these free market fundamentalists are? Heads I win tails u lose! :mad:




With that amount of debt something surely is going to crash… hope my assets of tech-companies won’t fall even further.


2020 news... with property jumping 26% in the last 2 years, they've made the right decision to hold on to their properties.


It seems that a new reset for the economy is coming. Debts are growing and are not going to stop doing it. The world is already in debt by itself for more than 3 trillions US dollars. Stock market is going to crash as the NFT and crypto market have already done… I cannot comprehend how people in their 20s and 30s can take big personal loans on themselves, when they have no money, investment, etc. They take advice from services like Mortgage Advice Cambridge and think they know anything in finance…
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