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Serious Sinkies Homeowners Record Defaults




Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Typical sinkie behaviour - trying to buy things they cannot afford. :rolleyes::biggrin:
Young people all now do not want to stay in HDB. All die die want condo. Got 10k pay bery heypi, quickly queue for condo taking 30y mortgage, then 3 to 5 years down the road, tio retrenched. Mortgagee sale lor. Lol :biggrin:
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Negative interest rate is coming, better sell yr property now before is too late...

High property prices means banks is making new money charge u negative interest rate make sense for banks... u die yr biz...

Banks doesnt know where can find $1M to lend you with 30 yrs mortgage take too long locked their money in yr property doesnt make sense orso...

Bank is dead, now finance is here...

I think by this time next year, see whether private property sector got pasar malam or not. I am ready to go in after exiting HK. Just waiting for correct timing. :biggrin: