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Serious Sinkie Women As Tough As Israelis! Now Doing Route March With Full Pack And Singing Army Songs! Guess Songs!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

During the route march, we sang songs together, which helps to bring up the mood. It made the walk much easier," said a camp participant. https://str.sg/wvfR


Alfrescian (Inf)
See the real stuff below , female israeli soldiers taking part in 33rd "Caracal" Battalion training


  • Israel_Defense_Forces_-_Karakal_Winter_Training_(1).jpg
    718.4 KB · Views: 57


Alfrescian (Inf)
SAF is a big joke.

The Shitty Times is an even bigger joke. The mouthpiece of the Leegime, and the propaganda becoming more absurd as the days go by.

If this is some kind of feminazi chest-thumping 'grrl power' display featuring NS... it's about a month too early for this, no? Wait till 8th of March lah, insufferable propagandists. :rolleyes: