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Sinkie not on hongkie travel destination


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkieland is a small urban shithole, you can just visit Malaysia and then spend 2D1N to visit the various touristy spots in Sinkieland.


who the fuck in his right mind will pay thru the nose to come to this crowded and forever congested shithole?
pap supporters will beg to differ i am sure


Alfrescian (Inf)
who the fuck in his right mind will pay thru the nose to come to this crowded and forever congested shithole?
pap supporters will beg to differ i am sure
hongkang bu’s and tiongbu’s will sure cum cum to sg when taylor swift shows up next year in early march.


Alfrescian (Inf)
who the fuck in his right mind will pay thru the nose to come to this crowded and forever congested shithole?
pap supporters will beg to differ i am sure

They can come, but it's usually a 顺便 stopover where they stay for a day or two.

syed putra


What do you know! Taiwanese luv muslims. When will hongkie and sinkie follow suit?