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Sinkie auntie only allow husband to insert 20%!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
So the husband has a small lanjiao lah. Stop trying to justify or rationalize what should be a simple matter.


syed putra

So the husband has a small lanjiao lah. Stop trying to justify or rationalize what should be a simple matter.
I think its the opposite. Humongous LJ. Thats why only 20% already filled to the brim..
They gave the woman the vibrator, she don't need the man anymore. Not even the 20%.


sipeh xiasuay, telling the whole world this hen can't lay eggs, cant even take a full kkj in

as good as useless, might as well become chicken for chicken rice


sipeh xiasuay, telling the whole world this hen can't lay eggs, cant even take a full kkj in

as good as useless, might as well become chicken for chicken rice

The way to fuck her is to concuss her first then fuck all the way in.