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Sinki siao try to stop BMW single handed...


The woman captured footage of a man with tattoos running across the road to a stationary blue BMW. According to her, as a nearby auxiliary police officer approached the vehicle, it tried to speed off.

A man in military clothing got in front of the BMW to stop it, but was dragged along for over 50 metres, she said

This man was identified by another eyewitness surnamed Chen to be the passenger of the van. The tattooed man who got into the blue BMW was driving a red car that got into an accident with the van shortly before.


The woman, who declined to be named, added that they tailed the BMW in their own car, calling the police to report its whereabouts.

"We could see that they were in a hurry, but they couldn't drive fast [due to congestion]," she explained. "We didn't think too much at the time. We just wanted to follow the car as much as possible.

"Of course, we had to obey traffic rules and not stick too close to the BMW."

The car chase lasted five minutes, after which the family lost sight of the BMW as it got back onto the PIE.

"My heart was pounding, and I had to calm myself down afterwards," she said,

She added that her husband prioritised the safety of his family as she and their daughter were in the car and thus did not act rashly.

The woman is assisting with investigations and hopes the footage she took of the incident can help reconstruct the timeline of the accident.