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Singtel dealer at Yislum Northpoint scammed auntie




My mum came back with a Samsung J3 Pro the other day and got me to help her with the set up. She was obviously happy with getting a new phone paying just $48 upon recontracting.

I downloaded some apps to get started and realized the phone response was slow and sometimes laggy. For my mum who has been using a Samsung Note 4 previously, this phone's response time is much slower and the screen is also obviously smaller. Why would mum buy a phone with a smaller screen when she has presbyopia?

Out of curiosity, I took out the contract.

1️⃣ The first page shows the Invoice by Novel Communication for the sale of the Samsung J3 Pro. Unit Price $198, Amount $48, Subtotal $1,346. How come the amount doesn't tally?

2️⃣ I flipped over and saw the Trade-in Form with a cashback amount of $198. I asked mum if she traded in any phone, she said no. Then how come there's a cashback? Mum said she didn't receive any cashback from them too! What is happening?

3️⃣ The next page shows the Singtel recontract details... with a written note on the side saying "Customer agree to trade back Apple iPhone X 64GB". AM I SEEING THINGS? APPLE IPHONE X 64GB? WHY IS A SAUMSUNG J3 PRO IN MY HAND AND NOT THE IPHONE X?

Checked with Mum and she does not know the existence of the iPhone X!

More at Singtel dealer at Yishun Northpoint scammed auntie


Alfrescian (Inf)
where got cheat?obviously the recontract plan comes with an iphone x 64 gb,the customer agrees to return the iphone x,and use a crappy samsuck j3 instead......as a result she only has to pay $48.......not only is the salesman far sighted,understood her needs and is creative in coming up with a solution as well.not only does the man deserve a cadillac el dorado,he deserves a cup of coffee.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Trade back cash back feedback talk back bare back scratch my back are nothing but scams and gimmicks!


This Ah Beng Singtel dealer got to be careful they are all the way out to cheat customers especially the old who cant read!! Remember Accord Customer Service near IMM the CEO Victor Tan cheated Nokia but customers were not cheated they cheat the MNC Nokia by the million! He was jailed 4 years 8 months by now he is out already!