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singapore's worst hawker food!!!!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

reminds me of the stool buffet in Vietnam and Myanmar...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Tips To Maximise Your Cai Png Buck
Cai png, or economic rice is the staple food for Singaporeans.

Sold in every hawker centre, coffee shop and food court available, it’s to go-to meal for when you’re looking for a quick, and most importantly, cheap meal — apart from cooking at home, that is.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Avoid the kang kong
According to the store helper, a dish to absolutely avoid would be the kang kong.


Vegetables are generally washed twice en masse as part of cooking preparations. However, some are tougher to clean than the others for various reasons.
waulau kangkong my favourite
must free ginfinfry to eat more kangkong - worms eat worms of course


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Go for egg and tofu instead

If you’re looking for clean food, a good option would be to go for the ever-popular egg and tofu dishes.


In addition to tasting really good, these ingredients generally require no washing due to the way they were packed — or in the egg’s case, hatched.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Don’t go for meat with tons of sauce

Aside from containing a ton of sugar, some sellers use the sauce to mask the actual amount of food. Which means you’re actually getting smaller than the standard portion — which most of you already feel regardless.

He also lists the dory fish as an example of a meat to avoid as it’s simply “dodgy cream dory masked by sauce”.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Har cheong gai has the most bang for buck

For food with the most bang for your buck, the har cheong gai (prawn paste chicken) is probably the most worth it in terms of value.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
For hot and fresh food, just ask

Most of the food you see on display had been cooked hours ago and are kept warm by heat conduction through the metal plates below holding them.

Which is why it’s not uncommon for the food served to be cold.

When asked about actually getting hot and fresh food for your meal, his answer was simple — just ask the person what was freshly made.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Repeatedly pointing at the food doesn’t get you a bigger portion..

don't dirty the food with your dirty fingers
don't talk too near your saliva goes into the food
stop being a kaisu sinkie


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Asking for less rice doesn’t result in more ingredients either

on the contrary
you made the hawker angry
and he adds extra ingredients into your dish
so stop asking less rice


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Be friendly and kind to staff

knn how to be friendly and kind to the fartup staff
they are just workers
and they treat you like worms


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Order during off-peak periods to save money

knnn how to go off peak
working lunch only one hour at peak
you rush they rush they dish garbages
as little as possible and make as much money as possible
within that peaked lunch break

so avoid caiping lah
sinkie fartup food culture sucks big time
you look at their fartup faces and you spoil your appetite

best is home cooked food!!!!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
you go to any caiping outlet and see the people buying
their hands touching
their soiled shirts dirtying the food
their saliva
their fingers..esp those aunties with long painted fingers ..point this point that!!!
I want this !! I want that!! their saliva spitting all over!!! I want this also!!!
all their bodily parts dirtying the food
and the hawkers in shorts
the girls in super short shorts
damned unsightly
the hair lice and body lice can even jump to feed on the food!!!

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Econ rice is shit food for peasants.
There one chain doing very well here with hundreds of outlets.....Great Wall or something.
Shows how many Low class people in Sg


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Econ rice is shit food for peasants.
There one chain doing very well here with hundreds of outlets.....Great Wall or something.
Shows how many Low class people in Sg

big con consumerism scam
just go to the kitchen and see how the food is prepared
you would never eat again!!!