Now these fake degree ahneh with PAP GLC learn as u earn work experience, and after working for 4 years become from zero to heroes to Superstar engineers status will demand high scale paychecks.
That's OK, u work hard for real experiences and now a Superstar engineer status deserved high paychecks.
If don't get it, they go to 5 eye to work... their ambition takes them to higher flyer goal is 5 eye.
20 years in the making ( started in year 2003 onwards) of zero to heroes to Superstar ahneh IT engineers from courtesy of PAP GLC training program...
They can never get it in India with paycheck of $120/month salary. But in Singapore cam rent Condo apartment unit with swimming pool and a high pay jobs which give them enjoy Superstar quality life style courtesy from GLC residential property investors...
Great job packages only in Singapore CECA with India...