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[Singapore Video] - This happened on the Pan Island Expressway earlier today on 02 March 2021


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If more people used PMDs congestion would be drastically reduced and these sorts of pile ups would be few and far between.


i have 11 years of driving experience and i dont dare to drive in singapore road!
most singapore drivers dont give way and loves to drive very near to eachother in high speed and worst of all they drive like they owned the road!

syed putra

i have 11 years of driving experience and i dont dare to drive in singapore road!
most singapore drivers dont give way and loves to drive very near to eachother in high speed and worst of all they drive like they owned the road!
Yes! They drive too bloody fast.even in housing areas.

syed putra

PMDs is logical if you eradicate cars completely from our roads
Current town planning and city design did not include use of bicycle or pmd. Only cars. So our cities amenities sre spread far and wide unlike old cities before cars were built. Eurooean cities are compact snd have no need for sky scrapers as usage of land in city centres are very efficiently used.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Most sinkie drivers are real blur fucks, no situation awareness.

Bribes might have been offered during driving tests, and letting FTs convert their driver's license with a simple theory test is a bold move indeed. :wink:


Yes! They drive too bloody fast.even in housing areas.

In singapore I had almost come close to death door on the road while crossing the traffic light and zebra crossing.

The traffic light turn green man the car was driving too fast and jam break and hit me lucky I was not injured and that fucker driver still can raise his hand “what?” Action!

Zebra crossing I was crossing the zebra crossing and saw from far the bus is coming he did stop and I was already crossing afew step and to my surprise the speeding bus pass me in centimetres!!!!

From these experiences it teach me one thing and it is Singapore road is very dangerous!!!!