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[Singapore Video] - Police checks guy for stolen phone, his wife not happy


The only correct way to apprehend a perv....less talk more action.



Chao turtle KNN who like to be suspected of being a thief KNN therefore what the polis opening statement was is verlee critical KNN in this case my uncle wish the polis did put it acrossed professionalee KNN


How come young wife cannot understand simple singlish...she must be PRC import on boyfriend sponsrship short term visit pass and most likely KTV hostess too.


Chao turtle KNN who like to be suspected of being a thief KNN therefore what the polis opening statement was is verlee critical KNN in this case my uncle wish the polis did put it acrossed professionalee KNN
In this case My uncle think the polis cannot immediatelee ask for IC body search etc KNN if they want to analyse suspect based on hotspot they should start it by saying eg we are investigating a stolen phone case and we found signal near you there fore we need to conduct search on you KNN what for asking for IC etc when it was not even established if he is even a suspect? KNN Chao turtle check IC first for fuck ? KNN if is a sop for them to carry out their duty then my uncle say fuck you spf KNN after you established he is not a thief then ask IC or before is the key to whether you are insulting people you know KNN


Old Fart
Omg that fucking woman, with her mouth and attitude. The police was most kind to her. She should be grabbed by the neck, slammed to the ground, and handcuffed for obstructing police investigation.