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Singapore to reopen border 2021. PM Lee HL




"I hope if that many countries can have substantial proportions of their populations vaccinated by later this year, we will be able to have the confidence and to have developed the systems to open up our international borders to travel safely again," Lee said in an interview with BBC that aired on Sunday (Mar 14).

That's why he wants sheepie to take vaccination fast.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Vaccinated population... and yet the people still need to wear masks, do social distancing, and do the SafeEntry nonsense.

Either the vaccines aren't working, or the lockdown restrictions were never about the health of the citizens.


Is that an indirect endorsement of Sinovac? Many countries are mainly using Sinovac vaccines. :wink:

Its a matter of time China vaccine to be use in Singapore.
You think Singapore dare to fault it.
The shipment have already arrived.
Big brother china is watching him


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its a matter of time China vaccine to be use in Singapore.
You think Singapore dare to fault it.
The shipment have already arrived.
Big brother china is watching him

I think Big Brother China has more important things to be concerned about... a storm is coming. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Ah Nehs will soon invade this country bringing with them the virus and their body odour.