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[Singapore] - Singaporean Tamil woman writes open letter to all Singaporean Chinese regarding recent racist incidents

syed putra

You must not give any mercy to the chinese. If you do like the Malays, you lose a entire island.
In rural malay heartland, thousands of acres of pristine jungles were destroyed by these vermin's.


You must not give any mercy to the chinese. If you do like the Malays, you lose a entire island.
In rural malay heartland, thousands of acres of pristine jungles were destroyed by these vermin's.

Chinese are materialistic people and want the best for the country and family. They work hard for it.

Go back to Mudland to live yr kampong life to keep remain lazy and sit under coconut trees all day long and dream to fuck your sister and mother...


Chinese are materialistic people and want the best for the country and family. They work hard for it.

Go back to Mudland to live yr kampong life to keep remain lazy and sit under coconut trees all day long and dream to fuck your sister and mother...
SHIT POOtra go back to Arabia where your prophet was fucking underaged girl