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SINGAPORE, Sept 28 | Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:26am EDT
Royal Dutch Shell says fire at Singapore complex
(Reuters) - A fire broke out at Royal Dutch Shell's (RDSa.L) petroleum complex offshore Singapore on Wednesday, the company said.
"We confirm that a fire in the Pulau Bukom Manufacturing Site occurred today at approximately 1.15pm. Emergency responders are on the scene and the fire is contained. No injuries have been reported and the rest of the site's operations are unaffected," a spokesman said. (Reporting by Francis Kan; Editing by Michael Urquhart)
SINGAPORE, Sept 28 | Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:26am EDT
Royal Dutch Shell says fire at Singapore complex
(Reuters) - A fire broke out at Royal Dutch Shell's (RDSa.L) petroleum complex offshore Singapore on Wednesday, the company said.
"We confirm that a fire in the Pulau Bukom Manufacturing Site occurred today at approximately 1.15pm. Emergency responders are on the scene and the fire is contained. No injuries have been reported and the rest of the site's operations are unaffected," a spokesman said. (Reporting by Francis Kan; Editing by Michael Urquhart)
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