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[Singapore] - Reddit discussion on "Elite units of Singapore Police Force"


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

[–]taeng89[S] 12 points 5 hours ago
Serious question. I’ve always wondered, SG has quite a number of elite units. If there’s an armed attacker, who will respond?
SPF’s PTU’s Armed Strike Teams?
SPF’s Gurkha Continent?

[–]Eclipse-Mint 4 points 2 hours ago*
If there's an armed attacker, GRF, ERT, RDT & PTU are definitely responding, should be enough to resolve the issue of an armed attacker.
Unsure about the rest, but STAR will get activated if Hostages are taken.
PROCOM I'm not sure, since their objectives are to protect Key Installations & do patrols at large scale / National events, and they aren't an elite Unit (Specialist Unit), although they have an "elite unit" known as IRT.

[–]taeng89[S] 1 point 2 hours ago
Hi, thanks for your reply!
How would those units respond? Which would be called first etc. Cause I imagine it would be quite a clusterfuck for all units to be activated at the same time with no clear indication of who has the lead lol
I read that ProCom was commissioned as an counter-terrorist unit, so I assumed they would be activated as well?
I also read that GC is a counter terrorism force, plus from the video they had some grey uniform which looks like some special forces uniform so I assumed they’d be called in as well hahaha

[–]Eclipse-Mint 3 points 2 hours ago*
I'm not really sure about the hierarchy, but definitely, GRF will be the first onscene, then ERT (1st wave).
Next will be PTU & RDT, and maybe STAR if hostages are taken since they specialise in Hostage Rescue Ops).
PROCOM I'm unsure, since they are a Counter-Terrorist Unit, but their main objectives are to protect Security Sensitive location & patrol large scale events.
The actual hierarchy is rather obscure, and I doubt SPF would share it to the Public

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Plainclothes counter-terrorist special forces commando. One punch one kill
