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Serious [ Singapore News ] Singaporean Women Beware of Yoga & Indians : Indian Yoga Instructor cum Molester Gets Extra Cane + Jail



Yoga teacher gets caning, longer jail term for molesting student after prosecution appeals


Rakesh Kumar Prasad had also appealed against his conviction but his arguments were rejected by the court.PHOTO: ST FILE

17 min ago
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Selina Lum
Law Correspondent

SINGAPORE - A yoga instructor who repeatedly molested his student had his jail sentence upped from nine months to a year, and was also given three strokes of the cane on Friday (Oct 12), after the High Court allowed an appeal by the prosecution.

Indian national Rakesh Kumar Prasad, 26, had also appealed against his conviction but his arguments were rejected by the court.

Justice See Kee Oon said Rakesh had blatantly abused his position of trust. "His sheer audacity in carrying out repeated intrusions with increasing brazenness while disparaging, belittling and threatening the victim must point strongly towards the need for caning," said the judge.

Rakesh had molested the woman, then 25, while she was the only student in his class at the Real Yoga studio in Tampines on April 26, 2015.

He cupped her breast while she was bending forward. She smacked his hand away and told him: "Don't touch my boobs." Instead of stopping, he pinched her breast. She told him off again but he molested her a third time by reaching into her bra. She knocked his hand away.

Later, he said to her "why cannot touch? ... It's not like there is anything to touch".

As she was leaving the studio, he grabbed her neck and pulled her backwards, telling her not to use the word "boob" and not to shout during his class.

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The woman made a police report the next day.

After a trial, Rakesh was found guilty of one charge each of molestation and of using criminal force for grabbing the woman's neck. He was sentenced in April to nine months' jail for molesting her and fined $1,000 for grabbing her neck.

He appealed against his conviction. His lawyer argued that surveillance footage of the studio indicated that he could not have molested the woman in the way she described.

But Justice See said it was not possible to discern any details given the poor picture quality. The footage did not raise any reasonable doubt in Rakesh's favour, he added.

The judge said a year's jail was warranted as the case involved repeated skin-to-skin contact with the woman's private parts, with no substantial mitigating factors.

The fact that Rakesh persisted after the woman fended him off, with his actions escalating, was an aggravating factor that warranted caning, he said.



Later, he said to her "why cannot touch? ... It's not like there is anything to touch".

As she was leaving the studio, he grabbed her neck and pulled her backwards, telling her not to use the word "boob" and not to shout during his class.

The Arrogance & Language of
Typical Indian Snakes




Fitness & Nutrition

Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here


The wholesome image of yoga took a hit in the past few weeks as a rising star of the discipline came tumbling back to earth. After accusations of sexual impropriety with female students, John Friend, the founder of Anusara, one of the world’s fastest-growing styles, told followers that he was stepping down for an indefinite period of “self-reflection, therapy and personal retreat.”

Mr. Friend preached a gospel of gentle poses mixed with openness aimed at fostering love and happiness. But Elena Brower, a former confidante, has said that insiders knew of his “penchant for women” and his love of “partying and fun.”

Few had any idea about his sexual indiscretions, she added. The apparent hypocrisy has upset many followers.

“Those folks are devastated,” Ms. Brower wrote in The Huffington Post. “They’re understandably disappointed to hear that he cheated on his girlfriends repeatedly” and “lied to so many.”

But this is hardly the first time that yoga’s enlightened facade has been cracked by sexual scandal. Why does yoga produce so many philanderers? And why do the resulting uproars leave so many people shocked and distraught?

One factor is ignorance. Yoga teachers and how-to books seldom mention that the discipline began as a sex cult — an omission that leaves many practitioners open to libidinal surprise.

Hatha yoga — the parent of the styles now practiced around the globe — began as a branch of Tantra. In medieval India, Tantra devotees sought to fuse the male and female aspects of the cosmos into a blissful state of consciousness.

The rites of Tantric cults, while often steeped in symbolism, could also include group and individual sex. One text advised devotees to revere the female sex organ and enjoy vigorous intercourse. Candidates for worship included actresses and prostitutes, as well as the sisters of practitioners.

Hatha originated as a way to speed the Tantric agenda. It used poses, deep breathing and stimulating acts — including intercourse — to hasten rapturous bliss. In time, Tantra and Hatha developed bad reputations. The main charge was that practitioners indulged in sexual debauchery under the pretext of spirituality.

Early in the 20th century, the founders of modern yoga worked hard to remove the Tantric stain. They devised a sanitized discipline that played down the old eroticism for a new emphasis on health and fitness.



Fitness & Nutrition

Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here


The wholesome image of yoga took a hit in the past few weeks as a rising star of the discipline came tumbling back to earth. After accusations of sexual impropriety with female students, John Friend, the founder of Anusara, one of the world’s fastest-growing styles, told followers that he was stepping down for an indefinite period of “self-reflection, therapy and personal retreat.”

Mr. Friend preached a gospel of gentle poses mixed with openness aimed at fostering love and happiness. But Elena Brower, a former confidante, has said that insiders knew of his “penchant for women” and his love of “partying and fun.”

Few had any idea about his sexual indiscretions, she added. The apparent hypocrisy has upset many followers.

“Those folks are devastated,” Ms. Brower wrote in The Huffington Post. “They’re understandably disappointed to hear that he cheated on his girlfriends repeatedly” and “lied to so many.”

But this is hardly the first time that yoga’s enlightened facade has been cracked by sexual scandal. Why does yoga produce so many philanderers? And why do the resulting uproars leave so many people shocked and distraught?

One factor is ignorance. Yoga teachers and how-to books seldom mention that the discipline began as a sex cult — an omission that leaves many practitioners open to libidinal surprise.

Hatha yoga — the parent of the styles now practiced around the globe — began as a branch of Tantra. In medieval India, Tantra devotees sought to fuse the male and female aspects of the cosmos into a blissful state of consciousness.

The rites of Tantric cults, while often steeped in symbolism, could also include group and individual sex. One text advised devotees to revere the female sex organ and enjoy vigorous intercourse. Candidates for worship included actresses and prostitutes, as well as the sisters of practitioners.

Hatha originated as a way to speed the Tantric agenda. It used poses, deep breathing and stimulating acts — including intercourse — to hasten rapturous bliss. In time, Tantra and Hatha developed bad reputations. The main charge was that practitioners indulged in sexual debauchery under the pretext of spirituality.

Early in the 20th century, the founders of modern yoga worked hard to remove the Tantric stain. They devised a sanitized discipline that played down the old eroticism for a new emphasis on health and fitness.


1) YOGA originate from SEX CULTS and SEX POSES practiced by INDIAN PROSTITUTES.

2) YOGA Practitioners indulged in SEXUAL DEBAUCHERY under the pretext of SPIRITUALITY.

3) Typical INDIAN SNAKES with FORKED TONGUES twist and sell YOGA as "HEALTH & FITNESS"



