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Singapore looking like New York?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject


So many polcams throughout the island with advanced recognition techno. Matter of time tio apprehended....Good luck!


Alfrescian (Inf)
We have many aspiring street artists. This is much better than the kids-friendly bullshit they display at the museums here.



During LKY era, sure tio rotan cane ... the country have painstaking transform from village to city
Now with current authority, they are more lenient & forgiving, so the boys might just be deny internet access for a week as punishment


Why do you need to cane someone who scrawls on walls? The way to grow a child’s creativity is you allow spontaneous expression. In an ideal home a child should be allowed to scrawl on any wall of his choice. Its only after you have given him a voice do you teach the child a sense of propriety, that not everything should lend itself as a canvas. What is ironic about grafitiing in sg and the irony’s lost on these uptied fuckers is that it is a conscientious protest against censorship and authoritarianism. Even these little kids who scrawled on the walls at the car park unconsciously know it


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do you need to cane someone who scrawls on walls? The way to grow a child’s creativity is you allow spontaneous expression. In an ideal home a child should be allowed to scrawl on any wall of his choice. Its only after you have given him a voice do you teach the child a sense of propriety, that not everything should lend itself as a canvas. What is ironic about grafitiing in sg and the irony’s lost on these uptied fuckers is that it is a conscientious protest against censorship and authoritarianism. Even these little kids who scrawled on the walls at the car park unconsciously know it

Because that would not be helpful for manufacturing docile, obedient workers. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do you need to cane someone who scrawls on walls? The way to grow a child’s creativity is you allow spontaneous expression. In an ideal home a child should be allowed to scrawl on any wall of his choice. Its only after you have given him a voice do you teach the child a sense of propriety, that not everything should lend itself as a canvas. What is ironic about grafitiing in sg and the irony’s lost on these uptied fuckers is that it is a conscientious protest against censorship and authoritarianism. Even these little kids who scrawled on the walls at the car park unconsciously know it
why don’t you let them paint your momma’s pubic hair? it’s pubic and public for spontaneous sexpression anyway.