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[Singapore] - Lawrence "Batman" Wong : "It's always darkest before the dawn, but the dawn is coming!"


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Lawrence Wong : ""It’s always darkest just before dawn. So let’s be strong and keep the faith. The dawn is coming!"



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The only darkness Singapore has gone through is the dumb lockdowns and masking imposed by the government in the first place because of a virus that is nothing more than a mild disease in most.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
He is a dumb fuck. Why are we in the dark that’s because two dim witted guy helming the task force allow abated inflow of cecas and delta. They switched off the lights. It’s not night it’s damn bright. Except these two.

Byebye Penis

Agree, just like KTV.
When all the girls come into the room for customers to choose, then the mummy on the lights.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He is a dumb fuck. Why are we in the dark that’s because two dim witted guy helming the task force allow abated inflow of cecas and delta. They switched off the lights. It’s not night it’s damn bright. Except these two.

Don't begrudge the task force, for their boss is an imbecile. :cool:


What if the sun has no intention to rise. Lol
hey you self admitted JEREMY QUEK ASIAN TURTLE SON OF WHORE go to my facebook to scam my GOOD name to churn evil filthy lies of me a virgin as a fake virgin and dirty toilet bowl cheap cock sucker slut whore mistress and a dirty whore with millions of Indian customers and to harass me with porn photos AND TO ISSUE VIOLENT THREATS to win ok?