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Chitchat Singapore Hawker Food


Give him extra ingredients oso not happy.

'Disgusted and annoyed': Man finds clothes peg in fish soup from Jurong Point's food court, vows to boycott stall​


A customer who ordered a bowl of fish soup found an unexpected ingredient in his dish: a plastic clothes peg.

The 46-year-old clinic assistant, who wishes to be known as CT Zu, posted a picture of his soup to Facebook Group Complaint Singapore on Thursday (June 27).

"Found this clip in my tom yum fish soup, bought from Cantine at Jurong Point," read the caption.

A large, pink plastic clothes peg, which seems to have been fished out of the soup, can be seen in the picture.

These clips are also used to attach order slips to containers to inform the kitchen of the order and removed before the food is packed.

Speaking to AsiaOne, Zu said that he ordered three portions of fish soup from the food court operated by Kopitiam on Wednesday evening via Grab.

Upon opening one of the tom yum fish soups, he was shocked to discover a whole plastic clip inside.

"I was agitated, disgusted and annoyed. An angry man is a hungry man," said Zu.

"Luckily I ordered other food as well."

According to a picture of Zu's order receipt seen by AsiaOne, one bowl of tom yum fish soup cost $7.50 and his total order came up to $28.10.

The disgruntled customer said that even though his order was refunded by Grab once he contacted their customer service, he will no longer patronise the stall after this incident.

Despite not escalating the matter further, Zu said that he hopes that the relevant authorities will educate the stall vendors on food safety in the future.

AsiaOne has reached out to Kopitiam for more information.
