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[Singapore] - Couple impressively transforms 3-room HDB flat into ultra-minimalist classy home


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


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A house has to look nice and practical. If the design is too personal or too specialised...hard to sell cos the new owners have to renovate it etc . So might sell for even less. If they rich and won't sell it's ok...but 3 room HDB flat owner? Sound like over capitalisation


Super Moderator
Humans are social animals, traditions and values are lost as a result of these small living spaces. Nuclearization of the family unit will spell the downfall of our nation, starting with the erosion of our Asian values.


S’pore couple transforms 3-room HDB flat into ultra-minimalist home

No sofa, no TV, no problem.
Tanya Ong |
January 20, 06:09 pm


While most of us can hardly keep our homes organised, this Singapore couple has dedicated themselves to maintaining a clutter-free home.
Minimalist 3-room flat

A Singapore couple known as Glo and HL gave a tour of their ultra-minimalist 3-room HDB flat in a YouTube video.
The video, which was uploaded in August last year, explained that they have been “trying to be more conscious about the stuff that (they) own”.
Living room and dining table

Here’s a look at their living room, featuring bean bags, a media rack, a utility shelf, and an exercise space with gymnastic rings:
Instead of having a TV, the couple has a projector, which projects videos or movies on to a blank wall:
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.
Their living room also doubles up as a flexible space that allows them to set up a dining table when they have guests over.
They added that the table can be dismantled easily and kept in the storage room when not in use.
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.

They also have an open kitchen, and a counter where they usually have their meals:

They chose the smaller room to be their bedroom.
The bedroom has a bed with extra storage space beneath, as well as a wardrobe:
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.
And their second room, which they use as a work space:
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.
The couple highlighted that their decision to sit on the floor was a deliberate one.
They explained that sitting on the floor is not only “pretty comfortable”, but has also provided them with more options in terms of choosing how to sit.
This means that they do not spend all day sitting in the same position.
Here’s their full YouTube video, which has over 1.3 million views:
Top photo via Thoughtworthyco/IG
S’pore couple transforms 3-room HDB flat into ultra-minimalist home

No sofa, no TV, no problem.

Tanya Ong |
January 20, 06:09 pm


While most of us can hardly keep our homes organised, this Singapore couple has dedicated themselves to maintaining a clutter-free home.

Minimalist 3-room flat
A Singapore couple known as Glo and HL gave a tour of their ultra-minimalist 3-room HDB flat in a YouTube video.
The video, which was uploaded in August last year, explained that they have been “trying to be more conscious about the stuff that (they) own”.
Living room and dining table
Here’s a look at their living room, featuring bean bags, a media rack, a utility shelf, and an exercise space with gymnastic rings:



Instead of having a TV, the couple has a projector, which projects videos or movies on to a blank wall:
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.
Their living room also doubles up as a flexible space that allows them to set up a dining table when they have guests over.
They added that the table can be dismantled easily and kept in the storage room when not in use.
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.

They also have an open kitchen, and a counter where they usually have their meals:

They chose the smaller room to be their bedroom.
The bedroom has a bed with extra storage space beneath, as well as a wardrobe:
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.

And their second room, which they use as a work space:
ThoughtworthyCo / YouTube.

The couple highlighted that their decision to sit on the floor was a deliberate one.
They explained that sitting on the floor is not only “pretty comfortable”, but has also provided them with more options in terms of choosing how to sit.
This means that they do not spend all day sitting in the same position.

Here’s their full YouTube video, which has over 1.3 million views:

Top photo via Thoughtworthyco/IG