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[Singapore] - Billionaire Peter Lim's 29 yo daughter gets Covid vaccine priotization, but says it's not becoz she's rich, it's becoz...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
[Singapore] - Billionaire Peter Lim's 29 year old daughter gets Covid vaccine priotization, but says it's not becoz she's rich, it's becoz she owns 3 medical clinics in Singapore, and so she's officially a 'medical professional' who is more exposed to infection compared to the general public, thus she rightly gets priority as per PAP's wise policy. She says her employee medical doctors advise her, "You are our boss, so you should set a good example and accept vaccination before your many employees across your 3 clinics who are looking up to you." So she thinks to herself, what to do, as a self-made entrepreneur boss, I have to set a good example, it's my corporate responsibility to society, no choice... haiii it's tough being a billionaire...
