Norwegian cleaning worker's wage is SGD 4,700 per month, whereas Sinkie cleaning worker's wage is SGD1,000 per month. Does this mean that Norwegian cleaner is 4.7 times more productive and efficient than Sinkie cleaner? Norwegians are not litter bugs but Sinkies are. Norwegian customers return and clear their own trays after finishing meals at fast food outlets and food courts but Sinkie customers do not. So, it is likely that Sinkie cleaner is more productive than Norwegian cleaner. Then, what gives???
The answer is immigration control. Norwegian cleaner earns more because not every third world Tom, Dick and Harry can go to Norway and get a cleaner job. Sinkie cleaner earns low wage because there are inadequate immigration controls.
Why are there inadequate immigration controls? Because 70% Sinkie voters are stupid!!! They get what they deserve. Karma is working just fine.