This was Singapore owned by BE Pommies.
If BE is still the landlord today they hv this pandemic to deal with.... heng ah... hand over this island to Chinese now they die their biz.
This shd be one of the reasons to give up colonies altogether.... diease dont play play can brankrupt Bempire... tioboh....
The 70% hard working Chinese takes over in 1965 by LKY.
Remember, Pommies are in control of this Straits, a cross road between East and West.
In the early 1800s BE already realised that by owning some islands in this part of SEA is very important to control gunboats moving in and out of this Straits.
War with China cld control Chinese gunboats access to cross to the Indian Oceans heading to the West and UK.
Now Singapore is a ultra modern State and wish to preseves their status quo for generations to come.
If BE can handover this strategic military location and loses it plot, then bye bye, Chinese are in control of this place now.
This means in wartime between US and China having war, both needs to use this Straits to get over.
How nice. Singapore control the war game. Don't side both parties just use this Straits as deterrent ban gunboats from using this cross roads. Go fuck off, stay away from this place.
Lay sea mines to block or sink their gunboats. Only commercial goods carrying ships for trade are allowed to access this cross road.
So where else can these 2 tigers fight? Pacific Ocean.
Panama block access to and fro between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
Singapore to join 1B1R can still get access goods from China, very good. US products is too far from SEA, dont use dont die, pass.
Asoka, now Singapore PAP must realise they can control the war game.
What can the 2 tigers do? Fuck off go back behave yourself, not happy go fight in Pacific Ocean for all we care...
Tioboh hope this helps..
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