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Singapore’s middle classes turn to food banks as inflation bites


Job losses, pandemic lockdowns, stagnant wages and inflation create unprecedented food insecurity for middle income families




Alfrescian (Inf)
You know it's serious when gov dot sg starts releasing propaganda infographics regarding inflation. :cool:


Byebye Penis

inflation? no leh, people confiscated my Hyflux Tuaspring for free.
This still help cap energy prices upside, correct?

syed putra

This is a weird inflation. Its not demand lead. Its due to supply chain issues.
People are not spending. US retail is down. And yet, to curb so called excessive spending, interest rates goes up. I think its a big mistake.


Job losses, pandemic lockdowns, stagnant wages and inflation create unprecedented food insecurity for middle income families



While the government has definitely done a lousy job in terms of managing inflation in Singapore especially with the nonsensical 9% GST hike in the midst of a historical high inflation environment, this Telegraph headline is extremely exaggerated and sound more like conservative propaganda to convince the British masses that although the UK is in the doldrums, its shinning ex-colony is doing worse.

The headline claims even our middle income families cannot secure food, yet the article cites zero evidence on how they came to this conclusion. There is a short quote from a jobless Singaporean family moaning about food & inflation, but by definition this no income family cannot be "middle income".

It throws in some interviews with NGOs reporting increases in food assistance, fine but how does this prove middle income people cannot secure food? In fact towards the end the article cites a study and admits that only 10.4% of Singaporean households experience food insecurity. Bottom 10.4% is classified as low income / SES by any economic and social model and is a definitely not "middle income" either.


This is a weird inflation. Its not demand lead. Its due to supply chain issues.
People are not spending. US retail is down. And yet, to curb so called excessive spending, interest rates goes up. I think its a big mistake.
It's a supply issue. BCOS demand higher than supply so cost go up. So in turn ppl cut back on spending. But cost still go up...due to high fuel prices etc..soon a depression will happen because ppl will continue to spend less...n with GST n Interest rate going up...costs go up more. If the gahmens are serious in the ppls livelihoods... they should be focusing on increasing supply...but so far... The blame game is being used as it distracts from their incompetence


While the government has definitely done a lousy job in terms of managing inflation in Singapore especially with the nonsensical 9% GST hike in the midst of a historical high inflation environment, this Telegraph headline is extremely exaggerated and sound more like conservative propaganda to convince the British masses that although the UK is in the doldrums, its shinning ex-colony is doing worse.

The headline claims even our middle income families cannot secure food, yet the article cites zero evidence on how they came to this conclusion. There is a short quote from a jobless Singaporean family moaning about food & inflation, but by definition this no income family cannot be "middle income".

It throws in some interviews with NGOs reporting increases in food assistance, fine but how does this prove middle income people cannot secure food? In fact towards the end the article cites a study and admits that only 10.4% of Singaporean households experience food insecurity. Bottom 10.4% is classified as low income / SES by any economic and social model and is a definitely not "middle income" either.
Such conclusions are also formed as the pap has been hiding the poverty level since forever as it's bad optics. Look at the gini index and the hidden poverty mentioned by Nicole when she was with NSP.


You know it's serious when gov dot sg starts releasing propaganda infographics regarding inflation. :cool:

View attachment 130081
Funny they highlight the wage increase but say nothing about the costs increased caused by their policies like the flood gates being open, more foreigners n increase demand in housing, singkies forced to take low SES jobs etc. Wat about high property prices? Etc


Goonkia didnt notice thai chicken for example is still same price. Even malaysian as long as not whoel chicken didnt increase. Its your bastard hawkers that are fucking you in the arse

Scrooball (clone)

What’s new? When energy prices plunge, did we see electricity tariffs fall? Nope! And u sure as hell can bet on them hiking prices when energy cost goes up!