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Silly hokkien heroes Spore Hokkien Huay Kuan built university big big no put name while smart Teochew leaders built polytechnic put name big big




Don’t put name big big how people in next 18 generations know it’s hokkien huay kuan emptied their coffers to build it? Some more ingrate freeloaders like @Loofydralb not just no thank you but anyhow say where got such thing and if got such thing is because of trade off from incarceration for stealing. WTF


Don’t put name big big how people in next 18 generations know it’s hokkien huay kuan emptied their coffers to build it? Some more ingrate freeloaders like @Loofydralb not just no thank you but anyhow say where got such thing and if got such thing is because of trade off from incarceration for stealing. WTF
AND individual immense benefactor Tan Lark Sye $5m personal donation to build it.


Don’t put name big big how people in next 18 generations know it’s hokkien huay kuan emptied their coffers to build it? Some more ingrate freeloaders like @Loofydralb not just no thank you but anyhow say where got such thing and if got such thing is because of trade off from incarceration for stealing. WTF
I see that the truth hurts.