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Silly hokkien heroes should learn from USA Angmoh the best to space out donation AND set conditions for giving to discourage freeloaders




First donation in 1804 then in 1839 proposed to give another $3k provided others give the same amount too. Of course do charity must like that, if not your generosity will be taken advantage by others that always give little or nothing!
USA Angmoh the best in everything including charity giving!


First donation in 1804 then in 1839 proposed to give another $3k provided others give the same amount too. Of course do charity must like that, if not your generosity will be taken advantage by others that always give little or nothing!
And that was in 1839, more than 100 years before building nantah in 1953. So advanced indeed.


that’s you mark Andrew yeo and Jeremy Quek sia suay bully dog sucking cock of mahathir and LJ Mccully regardless of bad things they did whereas I am praising people based on good practice. How much they paid you to suck cock?


that’s you mark Andrew yeo and Jeremy Quek sia suay bully dog sucking cock of mahathir and LJ Mccully regardless of bad things they did whereas I am praising people based on good practice. How much they paid you to suck cock?
View attachment 189905View attachment 189906
And that’s my Cantonese landlord to be too that I almost rented my sea view apartment from. Angmoh regardless of deposit paid or not can secure rental is called suck cock too. The difference is very obvious but of course dogs like @rotiprata pretend don’t know and are always accusing me what they are themselves suck cock of Angmoh Indian whatever