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Serious SID Wants To Recruit Mid-Career Sinkies! Retrenched Oppies And Losers Who Are Working At Grab Doing Deliveries Keen To Apply?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE — One of Singapore's most secretive intelligence agencies has launched a public drive to recruit more mid-career professionals such as economists, lawyers and bankers.

The Security and Intelligence Division (SID) — which is under the Ministry of Defence (Mindef)
— launched a website on Monday (July 19) to heighten the public’s awareness of the job opportunities available in its department.

SID, whose work is shrouded in secrecy due to security reasons, hopes the new recruits can challenge existing norms and play the devil's advocate as threats such as cyber attacks and climate change continually evolve.

Established in 1966, SID provides intelligence and assessments to Singapore government agencies, supports discussions on key strategic issues and analyses global developments that could affect Singapore’s security and national interests, Mindef said in a statement.

These include areas ranging from geopolitics, terrorism and cyber security, to other transnational threats.

In a media interview arranged by Mindef, a senior director of the division, Michael (not his real name), said that SID is looking to recruit mid-career workers from the private sector as it foresees new challenges on the horizon such as climate change, as well as future “black swan” events like Covid-19.

“You cannot just rely on your present talent to work at this. You need people with different perspectives, people to challenge the norms of what the current thinking is,” said Michael, who could not reveal his identity due to security reasons.

Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapo...aunches-website-recruit-talent-private-sector


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is an acknowledgement that the highly paid, book-smart scholars in the place, like the rest of the civil service are no match for the
street smart "bad people". The handling of the Covid 19 matter exposes the weaknesses across the board from ministers, to top
civil servants. Remember the Tg Pagar MP de Souza's words (after a few years of being MP) that he was shocked by what he saw
along the streets of Tg Pagar, over-run by Pinoy girls.


Alfrescian (Inf)
They should hire some FTs. CECAs, Tiongs etc.

One of Singapore's most secretive intelligence agencies has launched a public drive to recruit more mid-career professionals such as economists, lawyers and bankers.

You want those kind of people, right? Many FTs available. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
In a media interview arranged by Mindef, a senior director of the division, Michael (not his real name), said that SID is looking to recruit mid-career workers from the private sector as it foresees new challenges on the horizon such as climate change, as well as future “black swan” events like Covid-19.

Not interested to partake of that idiocy. :rolleyes:


Pretend pretend advertise for Singaporeans but at the end of the day....CECA Ah Nehs will be employed.

SIngapore is the only country in the world that allows non citizens in their civil service.


View attachment 116728

SINGAPORE — One of Singapore's most secretive intelligence agencies has launched a public drive to recruit more mid-career professionals such as economists, lawyers and bankers.

The Security and Intelligence Division (SID) — which is under the Ministry of Defence (Mindef)
— launched a website on Monday (July 19) to heighten the public’s awareness of the job opportunities available in its department.

SID, whose work is shrouded in secrecy due to security reasons, hopes the new recruits can challenge existing norms and play the devil's advocate as threats such as cyber attacks and climate change continually evolve.

Established in 1966, SID provides intelligence and assessments to Singapore government agencies, supports discussions on key strategic issues and analyses global developments that could affect Singapore’s security and national interests, Mindef said in a statement.

These include areas ranging from geopolitics, terrorism and cyber security, to other transnational threats.

In a media interview arranged by Mindef, a senior director of the division, Michael (not his real name), said that SID is looking to recruit mid-career workers from the private sector as it foresees new challenges on the horizon such as climate change, as well as future “black swan” events like Covid-19.

“You cannot just rely on your present talent to work at this. You need people with different perspectives, people to challenge the norms of what the current thinking is,” said Michael, who could not reveal his identity due to security reasons.

Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapo...aunches-website-recruit-talent-private-sector
Of course this racist regime will say Mandarin speaking only because the don't want


Alfrescian (Inf)
Of course this racist regime will say Mandarin speaking only because the don't want

Alamak, Melayu is national security risk as far as SAF/Mindef is concerned. Why do you think so many Melayus are that lucky to get into SCDF for their NS? :biggrin:

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
I hope they hire an ah neh manager and then in a year the whole dept becomes CECA'ed like Citibank

By then sinkapore's "intelligence" agency will be a real international joke