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no fever
just cough with phlegm
blocked nose
..... can't wait to be well and exercise again......


anyway I don't think it's covid.. i can still taste and smell. just keep on hachew and blocked nose. no more sore throat. just lots of phlegm but after I whacked fluimucil yesterday, the phlegm has already like dissolved. the most irritating part now is the blocked nose...


my housemate came home

she damn CB kiasi lor. die die forced me to test using the test kit given by government.

just tested and it's negative for covid.


The insignificant nobody me wish you all the best in recovery for you ailments.

Make NO mistakes, the path to recovery against the millennia COV ( Flu) biological organism lays in MAINTENANCE of one's Human natural immune system - proper foods, MODERATE exercise & enough sleep to let the immune system do its job to save the host - you & what you will DO, regardless if vax or not as each life is precious & means something special to another.

From personal experience, I suffered from COV ( Flu ) symptoms each year & even due to weather monsoon changes seasonally 4 times a year, as due to work & even study yrs back pressures, neglected my own immune system. I survived as I am young & had no health issues, but at times, the COV changed my perceptions on life as I felt that with the psychological FEARS of COV & bodily imposed restrictions, that I may not even live to see the next sunrise, more so when SARS hit Singapore yrs ago back then...

May all recognize our one of only the few National heroes - Dr Alexandre Chao. He sacrificed his life in research & attendance to all, to saved many of us when SARS became a national pandemic with so much fears, & at a time when there were no vaccines... May we all remember what he had done, AS WELL AS WHAT he had NOT done - that was to DEPRIVE himself of MAINTENANCE of his OWN immune system, as he spent LONG hrs, without proper diet, & not even exercise in order to SAVE as many lives as he could, & sadly succumbed to the deadly effects of SARS...

It is critical that you clear your blocked nose, by using even mere simple over the counter nose decongestion liquids, so that you many breathe properly, as your heart & lungs WILL need critical oxygen to keep it functioning of blood to all blood vessels that supplies O2 as well as other nutrients - proteins, carbo, vitamins, etc to all organs.

May ALL be clear - it is NOT the vaccine that causes heart attack. It is the self replicating COV cells by SWARMS that will STRIKE at your heart & other body organs, as it needs the supplies for its own existence, that will cause heart to beat faster & eventually over-working the heart, far more than the immune system can seek for necessary T & B cells to fight off the virus....

Keep calm always & breathe normally. At the sign of any difficulties in breathing, seek help thru someone close to you to call for an ambulance, or if possible, calm yourself down & regulate your breathing.

As it is only a RNA virus, our immune system will be able to fight off the virus so long as you maintain your immune system DAILY. For those whom at the risk groups, please do take precautions.

All the best & a speedy recovery to you.