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Siao riao, China announces nationwide loosening of Covid restrictions, so many will come to Singapore

Byebye Penis

siao riao, so many of them will come to hide in singapore, be it for work or study. Singaporeans are like high-class maids for these visitors, driving them around, cooking for them, taking care of their scholars, managing their money......


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Sentosa Merlion statue has been demolished, they will no longer be able to clusterfuck around it like in the good old days. :frown:


Alfrescian (Inf)
at least 100,000 innocent Chinese Singaporeans were killed by Chinese communist terrorists many years ago but Singaporeans easily forgetting this fact

Byebye Penis

lianbeng also thinks more cases coming in liao lah! :biggrin:
Our policymakers are ahead of the curve.

They kept telling you that they referred to the sexperts panel from Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health but in the past three years, there were several occasions that they gave the advisory first, then imagine you were the sexpert in the sexpert panel, you dare to issue a different advisory?

Byebye Penis

Which Countries Are Most Influenced By China?

1. Pakistan
2. Cambodia
3. Singapore
4. Thailand
5. Peru



Gentlement.....stand by to repel boarders.....charge!!!!!!
immigration department should be completely revamped and put loyal locals in senior management


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now the Tiongs are plotting to escape from their shithole and never going back, perhaps changing their citizenship.

They will also try to take their money out of China.

They will do this while they still can, within this narrow window of opportunity.

This is not a simple matter of wanting to go for a holiday. :biggrin: