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should i buy this bullet proof backpack selling for $290 on lazada?






Old Fart
Why the bloody fuck do you need a bullet proof bag for? You work in triad industry is it? Or you scared my Sifu @glockman who is well versed in firearms shoot you down? For all you know, that ballistic test result is probably faked. Lol :roflmao:
Why you disturb our young impressionable and insecure friend? Let him go buy that bag lor, if it makes him feel safer in our gun-free environment.:biggrin:

And yes, made in China is definitely fake! I bet a shot from a sling shot would penetrate that thing easily.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
its call 隔山打牛。。the bag is bullet proof but the wearer of the bag will kenna the effects.