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Serious Shitskin take taxi no money to pay again.

syed putra

I pity the poor bugger in the background caught with a chiao bu. Hope the wife won't assault him.


The taxi driver is a goondu. By now, he should know the rules. See a pundek, don't stop but instead step on the accelerator and speed off.

If there are two pundeks waiting, step twice as hard on the accelerator. Three pundeks, three times as hard. Four pundeks, four times as hard and so on.

To all the taxi drivers, please don't forget this mathematical formula - I call it the Pundek Theorem - that I have worked out for you guys.


The taxi driver is a goondu. By now, he should know the rules. See a pundek, don't stop but instead step on the accelerator and speed off.

If there are two pundeks waiting, step twice as hard on the accelerator. Three pundeks, three times as hard. Four pundeks, four times as hard and so on.

To all the taxi drivers, please don't forget this mathematical formula - I call it the Pundek Theorem - that I have worked out for you guys.
Like that Changi Business Park got no taxi liao.


The taxi driver is a goondu. By now, he should know the rules. See a pundek, don't stop but instead step on the accelerator and speed off.

If there are two pundeks waiting, step twice as hard on the accelerator. Three pundeks, three times as hard. Four pundeks, four times as hard and so on.

To all the taxi drivers, please don't forget this mathematical formula - I call it the Pundek Theorem - that I have worked out for you guys.

Taxi drivers are desperate. Most people are taking PHV and shitskins are the only option left since no PHV wants to take them.