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she is beautiful




This type act high class but CB very horny. They will fk any chinese dair skin boy who they come across

Singapore Dancing Spirit


They will claim they belong to HIGH CLASS

But you can't stand next to her especially during periods. If i take a train, I will avoid standing next to them. They never shower but use perfume when they are menstruous. Indians usually cannot work for 2 or days when they have their period. Because Indian blood loss during such period is FIVE times a Chinese beauty.

That is why people in SG avoid sitting next to an Indian. My nose is too sensitive to blood too. You can imagine a sanitary pad used by Chinese are depicted in the picture below. But such pads cannot be used by Indian women due blood loss. They need to cover with a long clothing.

Only 12% of India’s 355 million menstruating women use sanitary napkins (SNs). Over 88% of women resort to shocking alternatives like unsensitized cloth, ashes and husk sand. Incidents of Reproductive Tract Infection (RTI) is 70% more common among these women.”
More than a quarter of the world's cervical cancer patients are from India. Land of all diseases.

For more info

Beware. I am not a Gynecologist
Just my 2 cents.


  • sanitary_pad by chn.jpg
    sanitary_pad by chn.jpg
    249.5 KB · Views: 32

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Because Indians from India driving LGBTQ+ with Satan and their appetite is similar to dog. (Eat - mate - sleep)
  1. A guy called OSHO migrated to USA and started an Ashram there. And preached how to be a polygamy with orgies under the influence of Drugs
  2. The movements like Hare Rama, Hare Krisna -- promote only Gay sex
  3. https://www.iskcon.org/ - All members of Iskcon are all gays discreetly but they never accept it but practice it in the darkness.
  4. All Indian boarding schools Ramakrishna or Vivekananda groom homosexual students at early stage and they became working in USA, UK all sexual predators for sex or brothels (for making money)
  5. I used to go for a brisk walk, I have come across CECA or worker offering sexual for money in SG
  6. Isha Foundation promotes gay sex. I believe there are thousands of youths inside the Ashram leading orgies and polygamy in Coimbatore, India. Even Modi visits this place for homosexual with members of the Ashram for discreet fun (SG PM lee is not different who repeal 377a without knowing the consequences)
  7. Anti-vice in SG only bust massage parlors once in a while but why do not care for men providing services to SG boys/girls/uncle/aunties
Some local guys and girls in SG in PCN use to give me signals to follow them like a dog to her/his house. After they go inside their gates, they will keep it open for me to simply follow them. It is not rare incident. It happened everyday (even today) as I came across at least 5 girls or boys asking me for ask even in the malls and public transport. Later I found out that they think I am also one among the CECA as i am also working in IT industry and wear formals to the office. I avoid such itchy folks no matter how attractive they are as they lack the manners. To me, they should be friendly to hold conversation with me to persuade me get into some action. as i always avoid any stranger seeking short-cuts to have quickies or hanky-punkies or ONS or orgies.

But I learnt a great truth from this bizarre experience. I had seen when locals giving such signals several Indian nationals would simply flow them like dogs. Even the way locals give the signals also similar to calling a dog. This has been going on for about 15 years now. Probably Sinkines misunderstood that I am one of the dogs like CECA, INDIA, PM Lee, Shanmugam, Lawrence Wong. They are all DOGS to me to sleep with any stranger that they meet. In due time, I intend to bring bck Late LKY for all you to see, PM Lee and his gay partners together with their god Satan as it is all going to be spiritual.

As I was deeply offended as Satan himself forced me into homosexual, but PAP and CECA has destroyed the streets of SG as it is now stinking with fornication and sexual perversion which ever place, I go. If I have to visit Clementi, Buki Batok, Jurong East, Lakeside and Boon lay, area the situation is still horrible. Indian workers with work pass seem provide sexual services to locals, NUS, NTU students, Japanese coupes etc. for money. MOM did not care. One Japanese boy and girl living in Boon Lay just above the mall wanted to have a threesome with me, but I politely declined as i had seen them sleeping with unclean workers. These are the reasons why CECA is emboldened to act like PRO-PAP in their posts in LinkedIn and other social media. They could start their own business and offending Singaporeans in SG (including myself as I have wounded on several occasions) just because they are dogs and sleeping with Singaporeans and do not respect fellow Singaporeans. PAP seem to speak in Parliments for their welfare that angered Singaporeans already. They will speak in the next GE.

Believe it or not -the inflation did not affect the foreigners in SG as much as it affected locals as Indians are all not only working but also making money by prostituting themselves. Locals are paying for it. They all have a steady income.