BE Opium trade with China was successfully implemented becos BE sanctioned India that stopped other countries to supply cottons to India...
Indian was forced to buy cotton at BE tax tarriff prices. India was forced to grow opium in India and BE to export target to China.
India was held at gunboats points and tax tarrif .....
See the same bastard methods used by BE on India, and today US bastards used on Iran and want to colonized Iran...
Shd China, India and India, the returns of Super power status today, stand up with Iran to start WW3 with American bastards...
Battle ground is shifted to ME soil and fight a good war to flatten US into oblivion. Kill the number 1 enemy of this world the US bastards....
Indian was forced to buy cotton at BE tax tarriff prices. India was forced to grow opium in India and BE to export target to China.
India was held at gunboats points and tax tarrif .....
See the same bastard methods used by BE on India, and today US bastards used on Iran and want to colonized Iran...
Shd China, India and India, the returns of Super power status today, stand up with Iran to start WW3 with American bastards...
Battle ground is shifted to ME soil and fight a good war to flatten US into oblivion. Kill the number 1 enemy of this world the US bastards....