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[Sg] - Young sisters in S'pore worked part-time & sold old textbooks to buy mum an iPhone, but they kena scammed S$1,250 on Carousell


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


They made police report, but SPF said they got no chance of getting their money back.

Pitiful young sisters. Don't you wish you could console and comfort them?



No. 1 rule when buying stuff on Carousell - Meet up, inspect the item to your satisfaction and then pay in cash. Never transfer cash first. If they say must transfer first then they can reserve for you, tell them to fuck off.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Stop buying crap from Carousell... it is now as trashy as Locanto.

If you want to buy stuff that are not found in stores today e.g. antiques, collectibles, out-of-print books, then Carousell might be a good platform to find them.

Otherwise, buy your things elsewhere.