Her anguish is real, felt by many & is a concern for our authorities & consumer watchdogs orgs to look into, to investigate, to discuss & find solutions. The cost of living had spiraled & seem out of control, more so by biz establishments whom cut corners merely to keep their profit levels the same, while salaries had NOT kept up to the inflation rate, more so those whom do not cook or have the time to cook at home.
If such rises or cutting corners by biz establishments & supply chains or lack of govt alleviation on taxes direct or indirect, then in the end, consumers will have to learn to cook food at home, with the result being the F&B industry will cease to exists, with jobs gone, unemployment rate rises & govt revenues lowered.
Equally too especially are issues related to the med field. Do not, Do not, ever let citizens think that one can only afford to die, but not able to afford med help. Even a mere box of panadol had doubled/tripled in price & a mere X-ray pic costs $1000 to take, or $600 after medisave deduction......