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[Sg] - Vivian Balakrishnan says he will only recognise a Palestinian state that rejects Islamic terrorism and respects Israel's right to exist


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
You think he don’t know ? His saying this is to avoid saying wait long long. Perfect excuse for not following the drum beat of the stupid Palestine lovers.


" To that end, Singapore will continue to tap the S$10 million (US$7.4 million) Enhanced Technical Assistance Package to help the Palestinian Authority build capacity and prepare for eventual statehood, said Dr Balakrishnan. "

SMLJ ' Eventual statehood ' ?. How much money has already be tapped from this $10 million package?

How confident is the Gov that all monetary assistance will reach the citizens and not the terrorists like Hamas?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
On Similar note, he should only recognise Ukraine that rejects NATO expansion into its territory. VB's balls are so tiny he can't think properly, other than full of rubbish to favour the Western world. It makes no sense at all. If every nation imposed their condition on others in order to recognise another country as independent, than what is sovereign?


Alfrescian (Inf)
" To that end, Singapore will continue to tap the S$10 million (US$7.4 million) Enhanced Technical Assistance Package to help the Palestinian Authority build capacity and prepare for eventual statehood, said Dr Balakrishnan. "

SMLJ ' Eventual stakehood ' ?. How much money has already be tapped from this $10 million package?

How confident is the Gov that all monetary assistance will reach the citizens and not the terrorists like Hamas?

Stupid PAP technocrats. All that 'humanitarian assistance' will go to Hamas. :biggrin:


How come the parliament looked so empty? No MPs bother to listen to him?
No one cares about Palestinian ...
If LW and LHL call up and say there will be salary adjustment, and they already knew it's up. All of them will wayang and come sit for it.
A lof of them has been 2 times MP and if they lose their job as an MP, they still get their allowances.

Vlad Tepes

On Similar note, he should only recognise Ukraine that rejects NATO expansion into its territory. VB's balls are so tiny he can't think properly, other than full of rubbish to favour the Western world. It makes no sense at all. If every nation imposed their condition on others in order to recognise another country as independent, than what is sovereign?
That's the result when you doused a bowl of rice in rice and tries to eat it with a pair of chopsticks. His brain shows this mindfuck perfectly


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm surprised why the Gaza/Palestine fans, both Muslim and libtards, didn't protest here.

Go directly to the source. Best if done on a Saturday.


Vlad Tepes

Coz the local pork adverse do not posses the warrior culture nor the guts to protest. Let alone demolishing the synagogue and wipe clean of its believers.