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[Sg] - Vitagen mocks Yakult for their nutrigrade ratings


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (Inf)
Vitagen has an inferiority complex. Quite pathetic to use 'Nutrigrade' (a retarded scheme thought up by retarded nincompoops) to launch an attack ad on a rival. :rolleyes:

And if you make purchasing decisions based on 'Nutrigrade', you're equally retarded. :roflmao:

Scrooball (clone)

Vitagen has an inferiority complex. Quite pathetic to use 'Nutrigrade' (a retarded scheme thought up by retarded nincompoops) to launch an attack ad on a rival. :rolleyes:

And if you make purchasing decisions based on 'Nutrigrade', you're equally retarded. :roflmao:
In this day and age, people still buy shit like cultured milk instead of taking prebiotics and probiotics? Lol that’s the retarded part

Scrooball (clone)

I don't even understand the appeal of Yakult and Vitamin. The drink is so sweet and the portion so little. U are better off drinking bubble tea.

As for the probiotics benefit, pls do read up on whether they will survive long enough to reach your gut. Most good probiotics will have some form of coating to protect it until it reaches your gut.