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[Sg video] - Zermatt Neo EATS 27 PLATES OF FOOD IN A SINGLE MEAL!


what a waste of food....20 starving people could have benefitted from the food
The problem with starving pple is that they dun have access to these food that zeamatt has. If dun eat, waste liao. Blame it on the corrupt govt for it for not feeding its pple. Dun blame zeamatt.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The problem with starving pple is that they dun have access to these food that zeamatt has. If dun eat, waste liao. Blame it on the corrupt govt for it feeding its pple. Dun blame zeamatt.

He's just a typical clickbait merchant on Youtube, and I suspect also another mall and restaurant lover. :wink:


Did he have a 3rd party to authenticate his makan feat ? The video is only 22 minutes, and it's edited.

If he is serious, then he should get a team from PricewaterhouseCoopers or KPMG to attest to the authenticity of his makan feat.


PAP lovers can't do that. We all ways get an extra egg in every plate of char kway tiao. :biggrin:


Did he have a 3rd party to authenticate his makan feat ? The video is only 22 minutes, and it's edited.

If he is serious, then he should get a team from PricewaterhouseCoopers or KPMG to attest to the authenticity of his makan feat.
i also say
he.is a scammer