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[Sg video] - Someone fell into the sea at Vivo, rescued by SPF PCG ship


Alfrescian (Inf)
On a related note, here's an idea for the Sentosa Development Corp:

Demolish that entire (desolate and underused) part north of the 'Malaysian Food Street' food court, that area next to the Sentosa boardwalk, and build a proper mall there. Have a mini ferry terminal within the mall which provides free hourly cruises between Sentosa and Harbourfront ferry terminal.

Let's just say that old farts and cripples are not going to enjoy the 'scenic stroll' along the boardwalk very much. Doesn't matter if they are tourists or locals. And the boardwalk's travellators are no longer working, and maids and Banglas are using it as a place for the dancing and picnics.


Fell off from the jetty must activate such a big boat? Cannot throw a lifebuoy from the jetty?

I thought they caught a whale.