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[Sg video] - Rozz explores Geylang!


Old Fart
I like Rozz. She's everything I need in a woman. Pretty, sexy, outgoing, speaks well, spontaneous, unpretentious. But that star tattoo on her arm, yike!


It's not new is it?

She's probably a viet. Uncouth, uncultured, unsophisticated. Went to Iran and behaved indecently which must have left a bad taste in the mouth for the hosts given stinkypura is a nobody and not even visible in the map they must have thought why are chinks so westernized. They would probably mistake this chink for a chink.

And you don't need to be so brazen as to talk about human f*e*es and all that when she went to russkie or noth pole or whatever.

Just gross!

As I said, uncouth uncultured unsophisticated brash stupid loudmouth braggart shallow. Typical of a slanty or stinky you might think.

Stinkies can at best be orderlies.

Even turd world cesspool ceca lord over you lot in your own country which actually is melayun territory.