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[Sg video] - Matland released 100 pigeons to mark 100th anniversary of causeway, all pigeons flew to Sg


c'mon folks, let's be appreciative of the efforts put in by many to CELEBRATE the Causeways, that linked neighbors to each other for years & STILL STANDING, with the aim to live in peace & prosperity for all...

There will be some, whom may not even be Malaysians or Singaporeans, but with twisted & psychologically unstable minds, whom will attempt to DIVIDE us thru many ways - omens, beliefs, etc , to change honest & sincere perspective for their own horrific twisted gains. Thus do not be naive &be fooled.

The ACT of freeing pigeons/birds in captivity had long been a symbol of freedom. It had been a symbolic side from our kind & ENLIGHTENED neighbors whom CHERISHED this friendship between neighbors...May we Singaporeans return in kind & efforts to progress & elevate such efforts of reaching out, to understand, to discuss, to share & find solutions to further enhance such precious relationships thru TRUE Humankind sincere honest & open minded quest with the aim to elevate & alleviate all lives, regardless of race, language or religion but with respect for each's choice & the acceptance of consequences that each free will Human would have to bear for such choices....

Ultimately, we are Humans first before differences set us apart by the selfish, & each goal of a Human is to provide for their loved ones - parents, siblings, relatives, friends, fellow citizens, etc to build up Civilization with love & hope, peace & stability...

WHERE the pigeons fly to, is only a NATURAL event, based upon their sentient life needs, wind conditions that they rely on to sustain flights, etc, & DO NOT represent ANY beliefs or omens. We are not animists. Thus may none be fooled.
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